Chapter 10 Development Case Study-summary by B.J. Choi
Kingdom Development Among the Pokomchi
The Pokomchi Indians are the poorest people in Guatemala. The young Christian converts gained hope to be with Jesus in heaven. In fact they were literally waiting to die on earth because they remained desperately poor. Some community development organizations came to improve their impoverished living conditions. The latrines were largely unused. Very few children attended school or graduated. The physical condition of Pokomchi were completed, but there was no transformation in their lives and communities.
A young Peruvian named Arturo Cuba understood the importance of the biblical worldview for individual and community transformation. He also understood that authentic Chriatian ministry is to be wholistic, seeking to bring healing and restoration to every area of brokenness in the community. He believed that true repentance reguires not only trusting in Christ as savior but also a transformed mindset leading to a transformed life. Arturo taught them from the Bible that God’s intention that mankind exercise dominion and stewardship over creation. Pokomchi farmers harvested a good crop, only to have rats eat it. As far as crop storage was concerned, the rats had dominion over them. With their God-given creativity and a proper understanding of their role to subdue and care for creation, they could overcome their food starage problem.
Gradually the fatalistic mindset of the Pokomchi pastors was transformed into one of trust and hope. Through the churches their communities began to dramatically changed. People began to value education,particularly education on God’s word. and so children started to attend school.
Women learned to read because they understood God cares equally for men and women and men tried new farming techniques. Women built stoves so their children would not fall into open fires and created small pantries to keep insects and vermin out of their food supplies. They understood their responsibility to exercise stewardship.
A seminiary professor from the U.S. visited Arturo on one occasion. He saw that the transformation was the wholistic ministry, based on the power of biblical truth applied to all areas of life. Tears welled up in his eyes and he said, “Surely the Kingdom of God has come to the Pokomchi!”
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2. Caring in Katarisan
Marielle, a dental nurse, and Dr. on, a general practitioner,are volunteers with the Christian Medical Group of Katarisan. As part of their outreach, they desired to treat patients at the Jukayma Prison Hospital, a notorious jail with terrible conditions. Nothing is provided but the most meager necessities. The Hospital authorities reluctantly gave them approval to help with the patients and told them not to talk about Christianity in any case.
The fifteen-bed ward was an incredible sight with a horrible smell. The toilet was uncleaned,the ward filthy and the stench unbearable. They were discouraged and frustrated because they could not proclaim the gospel.
They attended a Samaritan Strategy Vision Conference and began to understand what Christ might have done in this situation. They tried a seed projest, which is practical, organized group expressions of the love of God. They cleaned the toilets and the ward as a witness of Jesus Christ. They asked two local churches to help them. They said, Not now, maybe next time.“ Several young people from a third church volunteered to help them.
The volunteers assembled and the work began. The complete ward was scrubbed clean, including the toilets. The volunteers did nothing about the gospel. The authorities and staff were overwhelmed by what they had done expecting nothing in return. The prisoners said they’d never smelled anything so wonderful as that clean air.
The outcome was significant. The authorities invited them back and allowed them to speak about Christ.Some prisoners asked the Christians to visit their families. Another new ministry was began as they visited the families of the prisoners.
They are going back to the two churches they first approached and asking again for their participation. Their desire is that local churches be involved. Through unconditional love, God opened a wide door of opportunity. This is God’s intention for His Church
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